fix path to room_equipment.csv
remove "last updated timestamp" for barrierfree information on room page
fix barrierfree table not showing
minor adjustments to importer
remove email feedback function for barrierfree information #447
update information string for function genAccessibilityDetailsTable
remove edit function for accessibility characteristics #447
correct spelling errors in language file
import room equipment from csv file #447
only show barrierfree information "Zugang" on room page #447
update download regex so it works with Umlaute
update seminarroom blacklist
update barrierfree contact and remove unnecessary classes
remove custom room link functionality
remove unused database tables
show only barrierfree information without room equipment #447
add references to slub and ukd navigator
deactivate loading of accessibility information #447
remove unused method
remove not used function
fixed download so QRCodes of building can be downloaded
removed misleading text on huem start page
stopped cninfo.log rotation
removed all calls to LSKOnline #445
regex for filename now includes basement floors #444
updated permissions for doorplate creation
use of Calendar to get the week of year #424
added scrollbar to raum_canvas #443
restrain url for download servlet
updated impressum and privacy policy #438
reworked config to function with docker container deployement
fixed admin login bug #428
fixed display of street number if none exists #442
filter rooms starting with "PF" in freeroom search #441
fixed wrong email adress in contacts
replaced absolute path with configurable path, fixed bug in import process
removed display of canteen meal plans on map #439
removed deprecated class DietCrawler and associated classes #439
removed site mobile apps #436
d4 files import no longer uses ftp #437
removed matomo/piwik since its no longer used
removed misleading information regarding doorplate generation
removed building B78 from 'weitere' in left menue
added new allowed login to old doorplate edit function
removed iframe since it caused crash #435
fixed broken calender week logic #424
fixed maps not showing #434
Revert "Revert "removed outdated class""
Revert "removed outdated class"
removed site "mitarbeiter" and links refering to it #433
dirty fix so download is not broken #432
removed outdated class
replaced hardcoded urls with dynamic ones and removed superflous nextsubdomain logic
replaced hard coded url with dynamic expression
Extend doorplate form for second org unit #367
Update employees page
Check entrance presence in API
Fix JS attribute missnamings
Add little test for LoginFilter
Add category headlines #398
Fix faulty person-existence-check #429
Fix RoomInformation object
normal text addition for three-lined costcenter-de for brass DP #67
Tests for RaumFunctions class
Mark complete old api as deprecated
Update English translation for accessibility part
Split entrance accessibility info in subcategories #398
Fix entrance info endpoind and add translations #398
Place infobox besides entrance table #398
costcenter_de text starting at exact vertical center for brass DP #67
Print second org unit on doorplate #367
Build accessibility data table for entrances #398
Add second org unit to doorplate generation #367
Prepare pojos for extending doorplate #367
bottomup costcenter_de addition on brass dp #67 v1.0
Report when SPLUS DB can't be reached
Fix multiple upload boxes, add upload button #423
Remove unused /exports/stops endpoint #314
Move pic deletion to new API #423
Show doorplate room function to the public #421
Add file for tests #316
Revert "Add empty file as dummy properties file for tests #316"
Add empty file as dummy properties file for tests #316
Revert "Add dummy resource file for tests DB credentials #316"
Add dummy resource file for tests DB credentials #316
Fix failing pipeline
Fix EtplanTest String empty check
Fix doorplate access table display #420
Use serializer for BuildingAbbr
Provide building list over API to bypass #415
Change impress regarding new principal #419
Get HUEFM weeks with only one db #41
Refactor SPLUS init for #41
Fix broken room highlight #418
Alert the actual response message
Change png tile creation logging to "fine"
Improve fallback when database writing fails #389
Remove unused changelog.txt file
Show selected room function in editor #417
Fixing failed doorplate database write #416
adjust pom.xml to allow seperate execution of unittests and itests #316
Refactor Etplan
Unified entrance pic retrieval to improve #389
Merge building pic retrieval methods
Add test old API, remove duplicates
Add endpoint for entrance pic upload #389
Fix door counter visibility, change i18n #405
Add test for AppExceptionMapper
Add JS error report function
Fix null pointer in doorplate generation
Fix missing function room values
Report login-cookie restrictions to user
Improve doorplate error responses
Reflect latest changes in entrance API
Refactored duplicate code and add doc
Add missing information to doorplates
Refactor api helper methods
Fix failed doorplate save #413
split search tests into I and U files #316
Add logging output for finished cache loading
Rollback entrance response for old API
Only show ramp icon when ramp present #399
Alignments with new entrances endpoint
Change admins data update button #306
Fix collecting roles from resource #411
Put cnadmin.js into global cn.js during minify
New entrance info endpoint
Change ramp icon display rules #399
Use latest doorplate access save permissions
Avoid door ID clashes
Refactor admin pages backend code
Improve API doc for door endpoint
Make org unit unneeded for function rooms
Fix misspelled textarea ID #407
Fix encoding issue at admin pages
Move geometry methods and add Converter tests
Fix HTTPMethod equals
Remove duplicate code
Check doorplate edit permissions first
Reenabled setting brass checkbox from API response
greying out both the checkbox and label #195
Move DB writing out of run() method
Change doorplate resource url to new schema
Don't fail with doorplate on empty door
Added tests for access control resource
Fix ID lookup in URL due to changed URL schema
Ask for login when doorplate save failed
Fix wrong tile Content-Length header
Remove accidentally added files
Refactor menu creation, fix css
Switch to doorplate save via new endpoint #359
Switch to new doorplate endpoint #359
Make basic room accessibility mandatory
Custom room function #386
Option of selecting only body to be printed for brass DPs #195
Remove unneeded methods from Converter
Always set tile response content-length #403
Take care of anchors when setting language #106
Fix icon deletion bug #402
Fix encoding in admin-jsp files
Deliver door polygons now as well #400
Refactor some duplicate code
Added tests in doorplates module
Add tests for OpenMensaClient
Fix exception when accessing admin icons
Fixes in language files for #394
Print room name instead of resource
Add support for converting CNID to AOID
Reread accessibility data when updated #177
semicolon removal +identation correction in previous commit #61
Move png tile creation to konverter package
Character counter in textarea and problems with '-' solved #2033
Change maven docker image to fixed openjdk11
Change maven docker image to fixed openjdk14
Fix contact #394
Self-assessment on website accessibility for #394
Have more logs for dxf file refresh to help #397
Add website about website accessibility #394
Log access denies when updating single floor
API doc for Changeset class
Refactor icon list retrieval
Improve API doc
Natural order for log output
Fix tests
Fixes according to FindBugs
More verbose logging for #397
Fixes in konverter according to FindBugs tool
Ignore numbers and time when hyphenation #107
Refactor QR-Code generation to its own class
Add missing new loading gif
Fix another not closing output stream
Improve Ampel rules for entrances #388
Extend accessibility API response for entrances
Consider ramp values in API output #388
Fix not closing output stream
Don't leak tomcat dir in error message
Consider single steps in ampel rules #388
Add custom links at room page #35
Replace standard loading gif with a fancy one
Add test for accesscontrol endpoint
Remove last remainings from old ampel
Make hinged handles a subcategory #179
Fix BuildingInformationTest
Fix login transfer when multiple roles #326
Unignore stairs for entrances #388
Add automatic changelog generation
Change contact in impress
Fix counting remaining characters
adding character counter for textarea - not working #61
Shrink GebInfo class to necessary variables
Place doorplate consent box next to name
Add floor list to building endpoint #392
Add role to transfer request #326
Remove unused class
Outsource browser detect method #22
Add endpoint for CN status info #53
Add transfer login option #326
Fixed missing linebreaks at function rooms #387
Fix limited persons on doorplate #382
Change german translation
Changed employees page
Fixed missing room names
Fixed weird coordinates #381
Add documentation to floor endpoint #349
Changing the value overwritten due to conflict resolution. #378
offset + first line of content = 60mm #378
Fix spacing on brass doorplate #374
Reenable a doorplate unit test
Add a cookie consent on web page #272
Change room name translation
Add delete option for logins #124
Improve access table UI #124
Purge QR-Code files from disk #385
Make access rights table filterable #124
Change OSM tile URL #383
Comments regarding changes to remove exception #372
Brass doorplates content_startoffset_mm set to 60mm offset from border #378
consent problem solved for central room DPs
Make tileserver address easy configurable #377
Readd explicit campus assignments in Importer
Allow building renaming without floor map #376
Fix broken umlauts
Exception resolved while creating doorplates without persons #372
add BIW login
Move QR-Code generation methods #326
Improve doorplate-access-granting-form style
Change doorplate available over API for #326
Remove ugly unused space at web page bottom
Rearrange building-campus allocation
Add pa11y testing in gitlab-ci
Small style fixes for #326
introducing variable for space offset in-case of long name #371
Add doorplate unlock for #326
Add city code to database during csv import #375
Scrollable doorplate access rights list
Fix konverter log messages semantics
Add new admin page for doorplates #326
Remove archived csv older than 7 days
Remove deprecated comments and deps
Fix bounding box for room polygons #349
Fix missing post-title on doorplates #371
Fix translations for deans' office
Fix room number position on brass top part
Change brass top doorplate measurements #370
New konverter pipeline management class #350
Speed up database writes #351
Content of input field purged + else if added #364
language translation issues #364
adding functionality for custom room function #364
Add no schedules hint at HUEFM
Fix doorplate form for 5 persons
Add endpoint for separated floor maps #349
Add 4 function room doorplate presets #368
removing unwanted commented code and white spaces
Include doorplates even without persons
Fix doorplate form failing with >3 persons #366
Fix some DB connection creations
Fix reediting of larger doorplates #366
Fix missing brass doorplates #362
Only hide org.unit for function rooms
Align checkbox and it's label in web form #361
Clearify doorplate post title in translations
Update room function translations
Sort doorplate room function list #360
Replace \n with \\n to fix #358
Fix not-opening doorplate form #348
Fix using wrong files for entrance info #284
Skip broken DoorIDs when reading dxf #354
Improve error message on missing floor map #339
Harmonize building presence check for #339
Fix junit report directories
Add missing house numbers to API
Add test reports to gitlab ci
Replace "only" with "rule" in gitlab-ci
Fix broken admin pages footer #353
Remove unneeded check for floor rereading
Replace string concat with placeholder
Avoid fail when implicit string-to-int fails
Add CORS header for API requests
Allow OPTIONS method for #347
Load only latest room and building json files
Add all allowed methods to HTTPMethodTest
Allow http HEAD method #344
Add further converter logs when no wgs84 transform
Fix floor map reread to return sane boolean
Refactor png tile creation #343
Add even more logging when wgs84 write fails #341
Make converter log output a textarea
some equal signs missing
Rename table properties #342
Catch DB exception when writing WGS84 #341
Change AOTypes to be serialized without digit
Fix missing room ID in accesscontrol webpage #340
Add netbeans configuration to gitignore
Remove doubled footer from impress page
Don't refresh all files when updating single floor
Only read rooms of current building #322
Replace another set of handmade JSON
Adapt geotools repo URL
Let admin reread CN config from /admin
Bring back default translation at room pages
Don't reuse DB connection at LSK timetables
Dedicated version and logger mute in test
Rename clients module to connectors
Changed survey hint color to orange #332
Update survey link #332
Give entrance map a fixed height #337
Reenabled older blo table for migration #334
Even more reactivated ampel tests
Remove final class mocking
Reenable another AmpelRules test
Possibility to mock final classes
Completely remove old ampel deps #299
Even more reformatting in Raum class
Refactor doorplate form evaluation
Add forgotten Converter class changes
Add tests for dxf line reading methods
mv loading of all property files into seperate function #335
Refactor Converter class
move config of DB tables from web.xml into seperate config file #335
Tests for OpenMensa client
add temporary files to gitignore
Documenting some JS function
Add possibility to show survey banner #332
Remove unused method createRoomAccessibilityIcons
Add some BelegplanToJSON test cases
Refactor LSK schedule handling
adding accessibility parameter2.0
adding accessibility parameter
Ignore osm files anywhere but in test resources
corrections in method names #202
icon adjustment along y axis to create space from bottom border #202
text and two liner name collision resolved #202
Fix unreachable rss feed in test
Prepare floormap endpoint for poi #269
Remove old doors and rooms from database #249
Make defi and diaper symbols TUD CD aligned #23
Remove default value in JS function
changing function room dimensions back
Hotfix missing map marker #325
Fix interchanged attributes #324
Show message if no route was found
Add tests for I18n endpoint and browser detection
Add " to list of allowed doorplate characters #320
Cleanup Geometry class plus one new test
Readd LevelConnector test # 151
Fixing IndoorOutdoorConnectorTest #151
Reformat some js code in barrierefrei_canvas
Reformat, refactor, document png tile generation
Adding tests
Putting building jpg at the right place #66
icon position correction #202
Tests for GeoObject
Black icons #202
Fix parsing object to json string
Replace lecture room list accessibility icons #317
Correct translations of room functions #202
Test buildinginfo endpoint
Clear cache variable before every test run
Added missing pojos and serializer
Fix building info endpoint test
Provide endpoint for lecture room info #318
switching between normal and brass office dp v3-#202
Removed parts of the the older barf tables #299
Write number of changes only once
switching from normal office to brass office dp-v2 #202
Rollback changesets on empty tables
Fix mixed up parking/public transport db reading
Added/extended tests
switching from office to brass and vice versa--v1
Remove all System.out.print commands
Making ac table monospace for better readability
Create new DB connection for every login request
Mark ExporToJSON as deprecated
Some tests for admin Barrierefreiheit
Test cases for ResourceAccessControl class
Disablig brass option after 2 enteries for normal office dp to avoid conflict #202
Add a simple access control mappings table #312
space fixings for costcenter
Some code cleanup and test in GebaeudeToJSON
Hotfix for NullPointer in old API
Fix dxf+svg filesize value for dxf_bestand table
Broader admin config table on webpage
Extend BuildingInfo API response types
collision of icon and text in function DP solved-v1.0
Call post login function at right place now
Remove reload and second edit button click #308
Reindent file with 4 spaces
More error output for login fails
Check main exception before their causes
Add two doorplate access rights for BIW
Load cn.min.js per default
Replace for loop
Avoid concurrent modification exception
Room function translation issue fixed #202
Add some Api tests
Add building picture upload on admin webpage #66
solved: when name is exactly a line long, v1.1
collision of long name with post-title solved for brass central dp-v1.0
Completely remove db dependency #299
Remove database dependencies from GebaeudeToJSON
Refactor admin common pages css
A new timestamp column in dxf metadata table #304
Format admin common task webpage to used css grid
Add equals method for FloorMapFile class #300
Add update button for the GraphCreator for admin
Add a GET endpoint for POIs
Fix StadtDD rest client tests
Change gitmessage template according to new format
reformat konverter logging output at admin page #300
add Thomas to staff webpage
add missing filename matches
refactoring #300 * fixing wrong name pattern in D4 API
add konverter logging output to admin page #50
refactor nightly update process to have a pipeline that executes it's steps #300
fix more remainings of integer room type
adding missing incon
revert change from 9a608635 until valid login can be checked elsewhere
replace type numbers with proper enum
another set of ampel tests reactivated
make API method static
reactivate some ampel tests
get fresh doorplate info before editing from new API now
DP generation problem for brass office dps solved-version1
add a write interceptor to avoid ClientAbortException messages in log #297
replace System.err messages with logger output #50
add tests in doorplate module
some space fixes for central doorplates
have aggregated coverage report in build-tools module
fix possible NullPointer in BuildingInformation when requesting barrierfree entrances
Web formula set for Office doorplate (brass)-v1.o #202
avoid NullPointer when room ID isn't found in set of rooms
trigger pipeline only for master branch and merge requests
ignore geocoder tests as well
update exporter test
ignore tests with database connection for non blocking pipeline
include current entrance accessibility data in export #153
add gitlab-ci config for automated testing
fix parking Ampel at buildings to user ParkingInformation object
fix coordinate order in test to match the changes in 889e93cec270b221b7094cebe08b115ee9d53932
test OpenMensaMeal POJO with real world data
fixed missing housenumber #295
ignore test that needs credentials
improve login endpoint documentation
Web formula ready for normal office doorplates #202
have a logger object and adjust log level in EntranceFunctions
harmonize entrance accessibility data source #294 * refactor ampel evaluation methods to AmpleRules class
remove exporttostadtdd view as this is only subset of tudallentrances view
avoid NullPointer in API due to unprovided translation
avoid JSONException in accessibility table when key not found in JSON
archive csv files from day before during Importer csv update #288
use osm as backup if no entrance accessibility information present #284
change lat-lon order in routing response for cesium compatibility
log number of files at D4 FTP server #288
refactor Refresher and introduce FloorMapFile class for reflecting D4 file API
provide a simple datamodel skel along the AOID
log number of cached buildings, rooms etc. #287
additional key correction for #213
fix failing feedback due to key mismatches and missing login name #213
refactoring accessibility features feedback and defining POJOs for this
add info about last update of room accessibility data #239
Consent implemented: issue #202
include six character building abbreviations for SLUB buildings
write png creator logging #287
added missing > at floor select #276
mark search servlet as deprecated #290
added geocoder request results to quicksearch #291
Web formula being displayed for every room
Corrected Database behaviour
adding method to call external graph generation #286
fix coordinates setting in OpenMensaCanteen object
add deletion method for web hooks #286
add callback endpoint for web hooks #286
tag old floorplan files with prefix to exclude them while konverter update #71 * refactoring in konverter package
report invalid character input for doorplates to the user
fixing not saveable 5th doorplate entry #285
fix two DB queries to include buildings without floor maps (JSON export and search)
fixing not available doorplate editor for ZEU/133 #254
added test for RoutingInstructionsProcessor #283
fixing bad logger init arguments and extending logger output at startup
switched to new logging in old /m/... api #50
get meals over new endpoint #271
can retrieve meals now #271
add a java client to fetch all available canteens #271
add a js function to retrieve meals directly from openmensa api #271
replace Logger class with java.util.logging in konverter package #50
add API descriptions to enable client generation
catch exceptions while reading data with wrong keys in old API to not block apps #267
fix json exception * remove auto generated comments
JSON writing for buildings only as fallback
fix missing housenumbers in API #281
fix DB request in admin.Barrierefreiheit
fix failing db write due to wrong column index
added missing catches for new exception in 3a0b4a0bd08c84b7458657be84b722190486b904
refactoring and reformatting in admin.Barrierefrei class
avoid exception in logs by handling LDAP timeouts properly
switch to latest buildinginfo endpoint
fix an index exception in schedule export
some code cleanup at barrierfree admin page
fix foreign key - primary key link
remove unneeded parameter form DBTable.getData and DBTable.getColumn
allow zihlogins with only two characters
update barf parking evaluation #230
fix translations for stair room accessibility #273
fix not saved table height #274
add logging configuration for #50 * add logentries for exporter #270
add another api return type and simplify doorplate request
proper return type for api version endpoint
dont leave rows blank in barrierfree information table
add documentation and remove unnecessary operations #266
get floor tiles with CORS header #266
add a new endpoint for tiles including CORS header #266
Web formula for BLOdoorplates1.0 #202
cherry-picked fix for #170 from BLO branch
avoid NullPointer when evaluating barrierefree parking #268
do some documentation and refactoring in js code
insert room names for vestibule rooms into database as well #250
add new room type vestibule and make it clickable on floor map #250
adding missing key in EntranceInformation map to finally fix #267
fixing a hidden Exception when evaluating ampel values
fixing broken API endpoint #267
fixing timeshift in free room search #222
Few changes at frontend for new layout
New layout backend implementation1.0
removed old remainings from konverter GUI
make list of deletable floor maps scrollable
replace jsp injection with JS call for checking routeability
reformatting things in doorplate generator
disable door selection for doorplates with less than 2 doors * hide icon selection for doorplates
remove unneeded osm file
remove typen.txt in favor of appropriate wiki page
update ampel display on map #187
remove pic upload for barrierfree toilets #236
fixing tests
refactor Barrierefreiheit class
fixed the fix to check whole URL for validity and not only the first part #261
security fix for reflected XSS on login #261
update post box and canteen icon to new icon set
adding deadline letter box to map #260
fixing remainings from changing to building abbreviation
refactor barfparking and publictransport tables access
add temperature and humidity layer to floor plans #255
save buildings barrierfree parking and public transport
Rediting returned max. 3 names -solved
add information classes for parking spaces and public transport stations
fix deprecated pom version reference
add style checker maven plugin with multimodule configuration
caching user data on switching of doorplates is done
add new db tables in barrierfree schema
limit barf parking description to database field size
fixed disappearing checkmark #257
fixing not saveable toilets #256
add update button for access control mappings on admin page
add icon for temperature and humidity sensor #255
move annotation maps to ObjectInformation class * fixed IDs in information objects
cut off street names from building names during import #253
icon names displayes without extension
write entrance accessibility info to db now
introduce BuildingAbbr as implementation for ObjectID
fixing missing prefilled costcenter values #251 * removed unnecessary db requests from Raum class
disable door selection in doorplate form when only one door present #205
refactor StadtDDExporter and add test
fixed disappearing floor map on admin page #70
get list of blo doorplate buildings for accesscontrol from db
trim username and password before sending login request
avoid double entries in logins2roles table * new pojo for login response
avoid double entries in ressource2roles table
add deeplinking for marker URLs for iOS #248
text overflow and test-icon collision handled
unignore converter test #151 * fix geocoder test
unignore GeocoderTest and refactor Geocoder #151 * move gecoding config from web.xml to
fixing nullpointers in doorplate evaluation
updated staff webpage
log broken room IDs from doors2rooms table
outsource doorplate icon retrieval to own method in API
merge buildinglist creation for admin pages into one single class #243
show doorID instead of roomID #244
fixed routing start/finish input fields
changed addtext and loadI18n
restored QR-Code generation changes * code cleanup
avoid NullPointer in very rare cases when no building/floor was found
adapt doorplate editing form to new API
english names in json file
Deleted unnessary png files from test resources
changed line endings to LF * removed unused dependency
forgot raum_canvas in merge
Selection-box for icons is added
Added icons with english names
added test for FileUtils
custom serializer for CNID * use pojos for doorplate creation
remove unused i18n endpoint from deprecated API
added proper room pojo for roominfo endpoint
reworked API's doorplate answer #111
show a maximum of 8 results for routing search
Icon names updates
add endpoint for posting building photos #66 * add security requirements to several endpoints
Doorplates with icons
avoid timetable loading via start parameter #227
fixed zero height map by using default height #224
add endpoint to deliver OSM building polygons as GeoJSON #223 * reworked GeoJSON classes
introduced test utilities class * fixed RoutingResponseTest
add doorplate endpoint with GET and POST to new API #28
add the buildinginfo endpoint to the new API #28
extend search endpoint to find rooms by id * add autocomplete to routing start and end input
add general purpose search endpoint to new API #28
refactored Search class
reduce precision for coordinates in URL to appropriate level
add missing last floors as well
fixed missing last building in floor map list
add proper return type for reverse geocoding endpoint #215
fixed dresden API urls as they where changed
add Geocoder endpoint to API #215 * rework JS for routing
transport encryption for (reverse) geocoding
avoid Converter failure due to broken door IDs
move buildings PIR to correct region in export to stadtdd
fixed missing basement floors due to changed file naming #218
fixing three minor exception causes in API
add missing last point before floor change in routing output
fixed dxf-to-gk coordinate transformation * updated geotools version
link existing Schemata to ApiResponses
rename misleading json key in routing response #182
make floor maps optional for now #155
read in objects in layer Einbau (as walls) #219
fixed stitching flight of stairs together
parse new flight-of-stairs and floor connector definitions in dxf files
switched to productive Infoportal Barrierefreiheit API
fixed url to Infoportal Barrierefreiheit
documenting routing instructions processor
fixing wrong map button positioning
Icons passed to pdf #11
Icons passed to pdf #11
Icons passed to pdf #11
Icons passed to pdf #11
Icons passed to pdf #11
Icons passed to pdf #11
Icons passed to pdf #11
finish new routing endpoint including schema and frontend implementation #182
merge street and house number for CN cache and export house number to stadtDD #214
import separated house numbers from csv and expand street names #214
allow only floor plans of well aligned buildings
add parameters to routing api #182
add vehicles car, bike, wheelchair to new routing endpoint
rename goto function in js as this is keyword * added minify maven plugin for js and css
floor maps available again
renamed floor to level in routing pojo as this is in OSM context
add response schema for new routing endpoint #182
fix color transparency problem
add export to new stadt DD API #198 * remove old export to stadt DD from API * extend BuildingInformation * mark global gebNamen and raumNamen variables deprecated * add test for TernaryValue
add URL to productive API for stadt DD * add option to switch between test and productive API
disallow null arguments for StadtDD export
add name to building information
update german translation
report server errors while processing feedback form to user #213
update trie to accept '@'
API client for StadtDD finished #198
remove id from stadtDD import as it's only for internal usage #198
add error pojo and documentation #198
fixed link to zeltschlösschen canteen
merge some js functions into new cn.js #144
merged JavaScript framework files to cn.js #144
fixed missing lecture hall labels #207 * refactored Hoersaele class
avoid exceptions and error pages due to missing entrances #209
don't crush start when decryption password is not given
fixed typo in german translation
added forgotten flight-of-stairs objects to coordinate conversion
fixed broken svg qr-codes * added svg qr-code test
finished work on free-room-search #51
add server url to enable access to openapi specification with swaggerui
add room2url functionality to new API #28 * hide /api/0.1/ API in openapi.json
added information about data source regarding semester for time tables
add a FileUtils class for reading/writing and a CsvReader
reassemble polylines for flight of stairs for database writing * limit number of x and y coordinates to 4 per database row
outsourcing lot of Converters inner classes to additional package * refactoring of Converter class
fixing null pointer in when textarea_2 is null in doorplate * avoid null pointer when when text is null in floor map
use Base64 to transmit login credentials * show error messages on failed login
add a NOT to fix broken doorplate generation #199
fix null pointer in export * shrink log message on cast exception
switch to new login endpoint * removed /api/0.1/login endpoint
ensure permission denied when LoginTokenException in LoginFilter * use new API endpoint for room accessibility information
fixed writing rooms twice to database #200
update jersey dependencies due to 'client' module
API client for StadtDD RestAPI #198
have encrypted passwords in database * encrypted password for splus tud access
changed cropmarks #196
fixed url in csv export * refactored an api helper method
add test doorplate pdfs to gitignore
made proper testing methods to test pdf generation
fixed database request
renamed module * write door accessibility to db now * moved doorinfo endpoint to new api * new DoorInformation object * interfaces for object IDs and object information
fixed other translations
fixed translation for entrances
stairs and ramps in corridors
rename piwik to matomo * deactivate matomo when in cndev mode
add a cndev-mode via JAVA_OPTS * correct FTP server URL
get information about whether building is blo enabled from database
add access control for more doorplate buildings
a little bit more verbose Importer class
fixed missing building information
revert commit 6a301da5 in GebFunctions
added filter to send 405s when getting inappropriate http methods
minimize maintenance downtime when updating data #45 * refactoring in konverter package
fixed gitignore
move konverter deactivation config to config file * rename CN config file * use SVG files for room polygon import #160
disable submit button while sending * prevent null pointer if no annotation dates present
fill annotation table only once
add corridors to RoomInformation
show only annotations that are not outdated * use staircase table instead of stairs table
dont show accessibility information if there are no #191
again some typo fixes
fixed db query * show information when saving rooms failed
replace old RoomInformation class variables with new TwoKeyHashMaps
typos in translation
fixed typo
updated BiwLoginlist
fixed some issues for db writing
read and write RoomInformation accessibility solely over TwoKeyHashMaps
refactor ampel to use a two-key-hashmap
enable write to database for barf data
avoid jersey warnings with correct content type
prevent csv import due to #188 * update translation
using foreign keys as reference to other table
redesigned DBTable * updated dependencies in pom
get room accessibility information from db * fixed translations
fixed missing floor maps selection #183
fixing compilation errors for openjdk-11 * adding support for annotations in BuildingInformation and EntranceInformation * change loglevel for JSON reading errors to FINE
deactivate dxf file import via configuration
load recreation rooms from DB * new DoorID object similar to CNID
integrated existing translations into accessibility admin interface #178
fixed bug in updating annotations
load ampel values into form when selecting room #176 * slightly different format for accessibility allinfo object
replace accessible teaching rooms row with three rows from ampel #180
get building accessibility data from db instead of json
add login endpoint in new api
provide roominfo endpoint in new api as well
outsourcing db access and cn mail access to configuration file * fixing feedback form design
fix encoding error
disable konverter for changing floor maps #160
remove old i18n endpoint * little api documentation
provide a login endpoint for new api
search endpoint for free rooms #51 * RoomInformation class can now contain teaching room label * refactoring Huefm
fixed missing doors #155
use the GeoJSON in web frontend #155
GeoJSON now extends JSONObject * FloorsOnMap class adapted to GeoJSON
changed sorting of selectable rooms from type to room ID #175
added i18n on accessibility admin page for lecture rooms #178
add import for svg files #160
add third dimension to GeoJSON with custom Point3D class
added a simple GeoJSON lib * clear route on map after recalculating
fixed disappearing levelselect marker
fixed missing building parts in floor map display
generate SVG QR-Codes #174
load only floor maps within a bounding box #155 * floor map loading now event driven * add new endpoint for retrieving floor maps #155 * added some catches when data is corrupted
fixed exception when opening barrierfree-access-edit-page for building without entrances
fixed broken mapbuttons on floorplan website
new /api/route endpoint * introduce Door object as element of RoomInformation * updated pom to use needed graphhopper modules rather than all-in-one jar
move coordinates-to-db writing back to its old place after coordinate transformation * remove unused methods from Dxf2Geo
add a routing endpoint to the new API #168 * show route in different floor levels with different opacity #168 * remove unused graphhopper lib
changed floorlevelselector to work on routing page * some minor renaming
read in doors and show them on map as points for #155
reworked the retrievement of room polygons in the backend for #155 * CNID can return floor as int now * refactored floormap drawing
added missing input for stairs step count * fixed IDs
import flight of stair layer from dxf #166 * moved test methods for refactored classes
unlock doorplates in TRE
refactor Converter to have more local variables and more static methods
enforce utf-8 in API JSON responses
fixed doorplate generation
fixed textsize on brass doorplates
show roompolygons on map instead of PNG tiles #155 * write WGS84 coordinates of roompolygons to database * move a lot of inner classes from Converter to package dxfobject * fix a bug in Converter which led to not read RIL files because of filename case
added questionmark to svg icons #132
add mail sending to verifiers #140
show drafts on admin pages #140 * accept/deny drafts on admin pages #140
prepare barrierefree edit table for displaying drafts
added missing barf tables
modal login without page reload
save feedback mail address in database #140 * fixed displaying issues with feedback form #140
redirect to loginpage on restricted URLs only when they not part of /api/
add mail sending for #140
fixed double writing to database
rework to allow multiple subtables via foreign keys
use current date to specify year of semester
fix missing huefm output #162
write annotations and buildings to database * fixed login via API
login for Statik
fixed issues with JAX-RS stuff in API login
fixed issues with JAX-RS stuff in API login
changed button name from HÜFM to Freiraumsuche #161
finished adjustment to include Ampel 'no info' state #132
fixed #159
adjust tests for entrances to accomodate new "no info" status of ampel #132
using a class for databasetable representation
fixed VMB-doorplate with
fix api param content type
tests for new code
write single corrected to database as draft #139
added new table from barrierefrei schema to config #4
enable HTTP method checking for accesscontrol
more generic api call function in JS * added a JSONObjectReader
fixed the api version endpoint url
add a dialog to correct values #139
fixed broken information retrieval on missing annotation expiration
show an edit button on mouseover at barfdata #139
fixed broken URL parsing #143
add floorswitcher to layercontroller #156
add biw-login
added switching between floorplan levels #156
refactored floorplan on map #155 * write scale with CN-coordinates to database for floorplan scaling #155
refactored floorplan on map #155
added a testcase for Barrierefrei * refactored Barrierefrei
API endpoint for API version and for translation * some more OpenAPI annotations
switched from OpenApi 2.0 specification to OpenApi 3.0 * make export endpoint available over new api
fixed NullPointer and JSONException due to missing information
removed depricated doorplate edit permissions * reduced reload time for 403 page from 5 to 3 sec
JS GET function for new API #28
add building picture upload mockup #66
refactored picture upload to be usable from the framework (preparation for #66 * moved getMousePosition function to framework * fixed displaying entrances right from the pageload on admin/barrierefreiheit
add barrierfree parking icon for buildings * add ramp and blind icon for entrances * refactored EntranceFunctions so one can retrieve all entrances of one building
add swagger #28
refactored API class to work with jersey #28 * added a custom json object serializer so jackson framework is not needed * added jersey test framework
slight changes in best-entrance decision for export to stadtdd #58
new button to add all rooms of one building to a list for accesscontrol #148
example implementation of REST API endpoint with jersey
added more evaluation of ampel values * fixed hearingloop svg
fixed rowheights #8 * renamen variables for better readability * added main method for easy testing
added missing costcenter names #149 * make static things static in AlphanumComparator
added icon for every entrance below entrance picture #126 * aggregated code for entrance retrieving in API class
fixed room-overdrawn-by-corridor issue by changing drawing order on floorplan
make some fields in INFOTHEK.barrierefrei obsolete #4
fixed broken lectureroom tables
extended hash generation in CNID to avoid hashcollisions in roominfo map #147
fixed SVG-loading bug in Chrome #146
resized map and entrance pictures on buildings barrierfree page
added support for new building ampel icons #126 * refactored loadI18n function to accept parameters for callback
adjusted ampel rules to use "no information" on rooms #132
adjusted behaviour in case of semi-barfree achieved, but not enough info for fully-barf. see comment on ticket #132
merged from upstream (mistake in search functions)
use actual config for directory w/ room info files in tests #132
fixed information precedence in barrierfree entrances #104 * refactored whole entrance fetching and processing (no more calculation to which building an entrance belongs etc.)
outsource the doorplate pdf generation in separate module #141
replaced org.piwik package with maven dependency #7 * fixed NullPointer in API
fixed broken URL due to AOID being displayed #94 * found and fixed some more handmade JSON #24
little refactoring and some unittest but no solution for cutted arcs #89
moved link to HÜFM from left side to mainmenu at top #129
special handling in backend for ID lists that just summarize stairs to staircases etc.
fixed issues with missing data in csv export
errors in the graphhopper response will no longer be logged in serverlog but returned to the user #82
avoid postgresql exception when exception in coordinate transformation #76
fixed ruleset #58
write out JSON ampel data for tables in well defined order #126
elemintated the rest of handmade JSON (hopefully) #24
unifying contact for handicapped #87
rework the displaying of barrierfree information in table for lecture- and recreationrooms #126
filter out pc pools timetable in APB cause their are ouf-of-date #74
fixed some exceptions by checking values
allow IDs with floors up to 99 * log only date parsing exception if the date string is else than empty string
additional button only for updating i18n from xml files in admin
added documentation to GebInfo and EtplanSelRaum * removed unused code in Barrierefreiheit
added rules some for barrierfree export to DD #58 * fixed documentation
remove gitlab-ci content, have to test in a separate first
upated .gitlab-ci.yml
upated .gitlab-ci.yml
added .gitlab-ci.yml for a wiki2pdf job
added missing staff members on digital doorplate #134 * fixed newline replacement on digital doorplate * updated translation
added new state 'no information available' for room ampel #132 * Note: currently undefined behaviour on incorrect type for integers in room json #133
evolve towards AOID in frontend #43 * use AOIDs in mouseoverbox on floorplan #94
try-with-resource and closing streams in mobile package
added missing parameter
fixed tests * updated PowerMock
fixed SearchFunctionsTest
export only one buildingpart for every building abbreviation #58 * changed endpoint for export to stadtdd #58
adjust tests for room ampel to contain no info status #132
unlock HÜL, BZW, POT, REC for doorplates
refactor AmpelValue names #132
fixed PreparedStatements in the packages functions and main to avoid SQL injections and use try-with-resources
export only buildings with different addresses #58
added API endpoint to deliver i18n #130 * show ampel values in table #126 * AJAX get requests can now have custom request headers * added german translation for new accessiblity features